It's all over the news—Alexa just got a major glow-up. But did you know it can now order your groceries, track your past purchases, and even remember your favorite recipes? Yep, your kitchen just got a whole lot smarter. Oh, and if you’re[...]
Here’s a random Tuesday trivia: the global ecommerce market is set to reach $6.3 trillion in 2024. It would be great if you could snatch a little of that, right? Good news—you can! And you should start by filling yourself with the[...]
April Fool’s Day is a good marketing theme. With the right mix of humor and strategic promotions, you could win more buyers for this quarter. Ecommerce news, on the other hand, isn’t a foolish matter. But that doesn’t mean we can’t[...]
And just like that, we’re off to the weekend again. But not before we feed you with some last-minute ecommerce issues and tricks to conclude the week: BIG IDEA Amazon is facing a crisis. International Business Times UK reported that the[...]
ICYMI, Amazon just invested $4 billion in Anthropic, OpenAI's up-and-coming rival. While this signals the start of the AI-powered content generation battle, this also means easier content-making for sellers like you. Speaking of content,[...]
Being a new seller on Amazon can be intimidating. But this can be helped when you have the right guidance. Not sure who to follow and listen to? We got you! ✨ Introducing SellerBites' 24 in 2024—a curated list of 24 people and brands[...]
Smart business strategies with a sprinkle of wit and patience—that’s the mix that would let you thrive in the dynamic ecommerce arena. The last two are completely up to you, but we could help you with the first one through our news[...]
As we move forward to the year, the ecommerce industry inches toward a progressive but aggressive environment. So, we started digging into more statistics to give you the first look at the information that’ll help your business bloom[...]
The weekend is almost upon us, but the ecommerce industry never rests. So is the flow of juicy news and updates you need to ponder on to step up your ecommerce game: BLACK MARKET Advertising is getting expensive. Cost-per-click (CPC) ads[...]
Thinking of launching a new product? It deserves to be given a spotlight—don’t simply push it out! It has to have its shining moment. So in today’s issue, we’re going to take a deep dive into what product launches should be: BIG[...]
Surprise! If you’re wondering if we accidentally sent you another email on a Wednesday—we didn’t. The truth is, we realized that 4 days ain’t gonna cover all the crucial updates and information that can help you become better and[...]
Happy first day of spring! 🌸 Like flowers going into full bloom, there’ll come a time when Amazon sellers will eventually reap the fruits (or flowers) of their hard work. But when one works hard, someone else is cheating their way to[...]
Christmas is still nine months away, but we’re already bringing you good tidings—in the form of new Amazon features and insightful selling tips: We sincerely hope these scoops bring you a good week ahead! POST OF THE WEEK BIG IDEA Get[...]