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Top 4 FBA seller tools this 2024

Selling and marketing on Amazon are not for the faint-hearted. That’s why today, we made a cheat sheet to make your life easier and help you become betterthe best sellers:

  • Top FBA seller tools ⚒️
  • Best AI marketing tools 🤖
  • Steps to create a social media calendar 📱

What are you waiting for? Dive in!


How do you start the year strong as an Amazon seller? Aside from measuring this in sales, it greatly depends on how prepared you are for the year ahead.

Not yet sure what tools to invest in? We've got you covered with this list!

🔎 Product/price research tool: Jungle Scout

As the go-to crew for anyone hustling on Amazon since 2015, a whopping 65% of sellers are rolling with this tool to handle their biz. Why not—Jungle Scout's got the whole package—AI tools, product and keyword research magic, sales analytics, inventory wizardry, supplier search, and more! 

Sellers can use Jungle Scout tools, such as Product Database, Opportunity Finder, Category Trends, and Product Tracker to research new potential products to sell on Amazon.

📦 Sourcing/importing tools: Alibaba

Alibaba is like China's version of Amazon, but for businesses. This place hooks you up with a direct line to a ton of suppliers and manufacturers worldwide. 

Plus, they ensure every manufacturer on their site is legitimate. So it's like the VIP pass to finding your dream product source!

✒️ Listing optimization tool: Manage Your Experiments (MYE)

If you're on the Amazon Brand Registry crew on Seller Central, you get to use the retailer's cool MYE tool as your secret weapon for A/B testing. It's a game changer when experimenting with stuff like A+ Content, bullet points, product images, descriptions, and product titles to see which one's the crowd-pleaser.

It's like being a mad scientist for your Amazon page—tweaking things and fine-tuning your listing game! 

🖱️ PPC and advertising tool: Google Keyword Planner

When it comes to keyword digging, Amazon is the MVP because a whopping 57% of online shoppers kick off their search party there.

But hold up, Google's got its own game, too! Google Keyword Planner is like the keyword oracle that reveals details like monthly search volume, keyword trends by season, and even the costs of throwing some ads into the mix.

But wait…

As always, know your business goals and capabilities before jumping in. Doing that and with these tools in hand, you're well on your way to having a good selling year ahead!



Best AI marketing tools for Amazon sellers

The AI craze won't be going anywhere anytime soon. It's here to stay. So, you either ride with the trend or let your competitors get ahead of you.

📍 Too overwhelmed to choose which AI marketing tool you should get? We broke it down for you, depending on where you can use them:

  • For social media: OwlyWriter. As Hootsuite's hero tool for social media marketing, OwlyWriter is not just an intelligent content creator—it's an all-around marketing assistant!
    • Where to use it: Writing social media captions in a specific tone and voice, creating posts based on a link, generating post ideas based on a keyword, and repurposing your top-performing posts. 📣
  • For content marketing: ChatGPT. What better tool for content marketing than the tool that started it all, right?
    • Where to use it: Writing scripts, strategizing social media posts, and generating any content you want to incorporate into your marketing strategies. 
  • For SEO: Surfer SEO. This tool is already a staple name in the SEO industry. It's designed to enhance the content quality of webpages by analyzing the SERPs for relevant search terms.
    • Where to use it: Evaluating keywords and metrics to optimize your content for SEO and creating an outline to generate SEO-friendly content from the set of keywords.

AI = All In

Of course, there are other top-notch AI tools that you can explore to step up your marketing game. And while the ones we listed will give you more confidence in your Amazon selling journey, you still need to go all in with your effort in making them your own. ✨


5 steps to create a social media calendar

In today’s marketing world where social media is king, having a well-polished social media calendar is a must. Because contrary to popular belief, social media marketing needs to be strategic to avoid becoming repetitive and boring.

🤳 Good thing CoSchedule has a simple 5-step hack to help you organize your social media posting:

  • Audit your existing content to know which ones are working (and which ones aren’t). To refine your social media marketing tactics, ask the 3 Ws:
    • What posts are popular?
    • Why are the posts popular?
    • Which platform/s is/are best for posting?
  • Mix and match channels and content. Follow the 80/20 rule of marketing—80% of results are from 20% of your social accounts. And don’t forget to spice up your content mix, such as combining images, carousels, and infographics.
  • Assign posting dates to each social platform. And be wise about it by researching the best time to post on each channel.
  • Gather feedback—insights, criticisms, suggestions—collect ‘em all to better tailor your posts!
  • Monitor your results. Pay attention to key metrics (likes, shares, comments, etc.) to improve your strategy and check if your goals are still relevant.

🤖 Bonus step: Automate

How? Through AI, of course!

The last thing you want is to spend too much time crafting engaging content when you can recruit tools and software to do that for you. Remember, 2024 is for working smart, not hard.

Author : SellerBites
Faith began working on SellerBites in 2021, a weekly newsletter that provides sellers with the latest news and updates in FBA. With first-hand experience in managing various seller and vendor accounts, she understands what sellers face on this platform. Her background led to the conception of SellerBites, which main goal is to help people become better, more informed entrepreneurs in the Amazon marketplace.
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